Shop Photography Prints and Fight Night MMA Photography Book

Fight Night Photography Book

Photo Prints

North American photo prints are archival prints on 100% cotton smooth matte paper. Prints are inkjet printed with archival pigment inks that significantly enhance the visual brilliance of both your color and black & white images. These inks also have a substantial longevity that keeps your print beautiful for generations.

• Acid-free, pH-neutral papers
• Inkjet-printed with archival pigment inks
• .43 mm thickness

European photo prints are Giclée fine art prints made on a professional inkjet printer on Hahnemühle Fine art Baryta. This very high-quality and detailed print is a lot more durable than regular prints. It is printed with archival inks that are fade resistant. The giclée printing process is environmentally friendly as the inks are water based and the paper is archival and acid free. Giclée prints are recognized by leading galleries and museums around the world such as the New York Metropolitan Museum and the Louvre and are currently regarded as the best mode of reproduction.

Hahnemühle Fine art Baryta 325grm2 is a high-gloss, high-white photo paper, which, due to the addition of Barium sulphate to the coating, closely resembles the barite paper from the analog era.

Due to the glossy coating, black and white prints are deep black, with many shades of gray and of great sharpness. Color prints get richly saturated colors, high detail and very smooth color transitions. The paper has a texture on the surface.

Coating: Textured Gloss

Grams: 325

Tone: Bright white

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